- Extension of the authorizing powers of the Extraordinary Commissioner and the possibility of operating as a contracting authority until 31/12/2026, also in derogation from the legislation on public contracts;
- Attribution of administrative powers aimed at simplification, to the Extraordinary Commissioner, to overcome any denials, delays and dissensions in the adoption of acts and measures, proposing the appropriate initiatives to the President of the Council of Ministers;
- Introduction of a single authorization which replaces all previous authorizations, concessions and opinions and allows the realization of the works, services and activities envisaged in the project;
- Access to the “simplified conference” procedure pursuant to art. 14-bis of Law no. 241/1990, with a simultaneous reduction to half of the mandatory deadlines for obtaining the single authorization and any other consent or authorization, however named, necessary for the activity to be undertaken;
- Reduction of one third of the terms foreseen for the issue of EIA, VAS, AUA, landscape authorizations, building permits and port state concessions;
- Strengthening the administrative, financial and economic support role played by the Agency for Territorial Cohesion towards individual Commissioners.