“The start of the first Special Economic Zones is excellent: Campania, Abruzzo, Eastern Sicily and Western Sicily just opened the digital contact point and there are already twenty requests from companies in the agri-food, manufacturing and logistics sectors. We have bet on this tool and on the advantages of an extreme bureaucratic simplification, with a single authorization instead of the dozens previously requested, and we are grasping the first results. The Italian company, and I hope also the international one, is starting to take an interest in the opportunities offered by the South: soon, when all 8 digital contact points will be active, the Sez will really become a driving force for the economy and employment of southern regions “. Thus the Minister for the South and Territorial Cohesion Mara Carfagna comments on the opening of the first 4 Sez digital contact point.
The digital contact point is a platform through which companies wishing to submit a settlement project in a Sez area can submit the request for a single authorization. It was established with the reform of the Zones, which increased the tax benefits and strengthened the powers of the Commissioner, also in connection with the significant Pnrr investment in the infrastructure of the Special Economic Zones (630 million euros).
Minister Carfagna concludes: “I thank all the Commissioners, who in just a few months since their appointment, have done an extraordinary job, and in particular Giosy Romano, Alessandro Di Graziano, Carlo Amenta and Mauro Miccio, who in Campania, Sicily and Abruzzo are starting the most important part of the work: the attraction and establishment of new business realities “.