The municipality of Vasto has set up a branch entirely dedicated to the SEZ (Special Economic Zones), at the Public Works and Urban Planning Service, on the second floor of the former school buildings, in Corso Nuova Italia. The purpose of the office, open every Friday from 10:00 to 12:00, is to follow the entire program and offer support to interested companies in order to deal directly with the extraordinary Government Commissioner Prof. Mauro Miccio.
The coordinator of the office was identified in the Secretary General Dr. Aldo D’Ambrosio, with one unit indicated by Commissioner Miccio, with one staff unit (Eng. Francesca Di Gregorio) assigned by the Productive Activities Manager, Avv. Luca Mastrangelo, and one unit (Arch. Gisella la Palombara) indicated by the Urban Planning Manager, Avv. Stefano Monteferrante.
“An excellent result that will give service to the territory. It is a contact point that we immediately set up after the meeting that took place with the extraordinary Commissioner prof. Mauro Miccio, whom I thank for his immediate availability and invite not only to come back for other public meetings, but also to dialogue with companies that want to present requests, “said Mayor Francesco Menna.
“There are many questions regarding the realization of the SEZ in Vasto that are submitted to us and the role of the municipal office is to facilitate dialogue with all stakeholders, “said the councilor for economic development Anna Bosco. “The SEZ could represent an important chance to seize the opportunities offered by the Recovery and Resilience Plan and restart the post – Covid economy”.